

Oman warmly welcomes tourists throughout the year, including during the holy month of Ramadan. To make your visit respectful and enriching, here’s a quick guide:

What to expect:

  • Slower pace: Many businesses operate reduced hours, especially during the day. Public areas might be quieter as people conserve energy.
  • Festive evenings: After sunset, cities come alive with vibrant activities, sport, and community gatherings.
  • Limited food options: Restaurants and cafes typically close during the day, reopening before sunset for special Ramadan feasts.
  • Cultural immersion: Witness traditional practices, prayers, and charitable acts that hold deep significance.

What to do:

  • Embrace the spirit: Join evening gatherings or Iftar (breaking fast) meals at hotels or restaurants catering to tourists.
  • Explore cultural gems: Visit mosques (dress modestly), museums, and historical sites, often open with adjusted hours.
  • Shop at night: Souqs and markets come alive with lively activity and special Ramadan offerings.

What not to do:

  • Eat or drink in public during the day: Respect the fast observed by locals. Consume food and beverages discreetly in private spaces.
  • Dress immodestly: Opt for loose-fitting, respectful clothing that covers shoulders and knees.
  • Loud music or behavior: Be mindful of the peaceful atmosphere and avoid disruptive activities.

Remember, Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection and community. By being mindful and respectful, you can experience the beauty of this holy month in Oman and create lasting memories.


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